Science Theatre

Science shows at the science theatre – heads up! All these cool experiments can make you dizzy with
new knowledge!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to visit a scientist in a laboratory? Enter a room where the air is thick with experimentation and you haven’t the faintest idea where the coloured mist is coming from, or which of those jars are sending flames all the way to the ceiling. This is exactly how science theatre makes you feel!

Unexpected twists and turns, brilliant breakthroughs and colourful spectacles – AHHAA Science Theatre is familiar with all kinds of subjects.
The science shows put on by AHHAA Science Theatre appeal to young and old alike. Here, anything is possible!
Memorable chemistry experiments, luminous explorations, the beautiful language of sounds, mesmerising water, experiments with all manner of substances – you have to work hard to keep track of them all.

Bring your family, friends or class to the Science Theatre as our science shows are at their most immersive on the stage for which they were initially designed!

Chemistry of Fire

What is burning and what do you need to make something burn? Which materials burn and which ones don't? Come and see the rain of fire, liquid oxygen, a bunch of awesome f…
Age 10+
30 min

Aha, Saves the Day!

In this rescue-themed show we use fire and explosions to show you what happens if you disobey safety rules. And you'll realize why people say things such as "Dont leave a c…
Age 5+
30 min

Aha, Sounds Great!

We're constantly surrounded by different sounds and noises (and we make some of them ourselves as well) But what is a sound wave and can we make an invisible wave visible? …
Age 10+
30 min

Aha, Blast Off!

What's a rocket and what kind of fuel does it use? Don't worry, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand! Let's fly through the history and explore the fascinating sc…
Age 5+
30 min

Let There Be Light!

In this optic-themed show we demonstrate how powerful light makes things explode and how sunscreen protects you from UV rays. You'll also learn what light is "made of" and ho…
Age 10+
30 min

Striking Experiments

In this show you will see our most spectacular and beloved experiments. For example, you will see mystical colour reactions, puffs of smoke, fireworks and different explosion…
Age 2+
30 min

Amazing Air

Let's find out what is that substance we breathe in and how amazingly powerful it can be. Did you know that right now, there's more than 100 kg of air weighing down on your…
Age 5+
30 min

Disgusting Digestion

When you eat a cake, do you ever wonder what happens to it next? In this science show, we'll learn about the human digestive track and how it works - and see the final result…
Age 2+
30 min

Crazy Chemistry

Our crazy chemist shows what they're capable of! You'll see why it's important to clean your room, explore the, ahem, more playful side of blood and maybe even learn some sec…
Age 2+
30 min

Aha, High Voltage!

Let's take a closer look at the power that moves the whole modern world! We'll talk about static electricity, the direct current that flows in our household appliances and th…
Age 10+
30 min

Attention, Brain!

Are you ready to really rack your brain? We’ll be testing your attention, coordination and memory. Be alert or you could miss out on something very important! In this show, cre…
Age 8+
30 min

Colourful Chemistry

What is a chemical reaction? How can we change it? What or who is a  catalyst?  It's alright, we'll make these words fun and easy - and explain everything through vivid exper…
Age 10+
30 min

Wondrous Water

Let's look at where water comes from, what are its three wondrous states and its physical and chemical properties. Though water is the central topic of this show, our exper…
Age 2+
30 min

Extraordinary Egg

For an average human, egg is a fragile, but tasty food. But it can be so much more! This extraordinary show introduces you to the fine art of egg-walking and demonstrates w…
Age 2+
30 min